Exclusive Online Training
Federal employee training, is tailored to equip agents with the knowledge and tools to effectively guide federal employees in optimizing their retirement benefits.

A Bedrock Exclusive Online Retirement Training Platform
At Bedrock Financial Services, we are out to revolutionize the way federal employees learn about how to maximize their benefits – and how you get in front of potential prospects. Our exclusive software and training platform is designed to deliver customized, online training courses to each federal and postal employee in the country, streaming on-demand anytime, to any device.
Our proprietary system ‘learns’ from the employee’s behavior during the training, and provides only the information relevant to their specific retirement needs. Then, the system offers that employee a one-on-one retirement benefit analysis provided by a local federal retirement expert…that’s where you come in.
Stop Paying Thousands of Dollars Trying to Generate Leads. Start Getting Paid to Deliver The Quality, Compliant, Customized Training Your Clients Deserve and Become The “go-to” Professional in Your Market.
Exclusive Territories for a Limited Number of PSRE Professionals
This robust new platform is an exclusive opportunity available ONLY to producing Bedrock agents who are members of the PSRE Network.
Only a limited number of advisors will be awarded territories, weighted by lead potential and other factors.
Apply for your exclusive territory today: